Friday, September 12, 2008

Compare Obama and Palin

With reference to Senator Barak Obama being a community organizer like Jesus and Governor Palin being like Pontius Pilate, here are some facts.

1. Jesus was not a community organizer. His Kingdom, He told Pilate, was "not of this world." John 18:36.

2. Jesus was organizing for a future world, a New Heaven and a New Earth, Rev 21:1-8.

3. Jesus did not contribute to the slaughter of the innocents (except being the intended victim) (Mat 2:18), while Senator Obama has consistently voted to continue slaughtering innocents, even those born alive after a botched murder.

4. Governor Palin is from a small town, as was Jesus; she was in the fishing business as was the families of Peter and Andrew, James and John. Until she went into politics to make a difference, she was a working mom like Mary, helping with the family business.

5. One of Senator Obama's best friends William Ayers, was, like Barabbas, an insurrectionist and murderer. The difference being, according to church tradition, that Barabbas later repented and became a follower of Jesus. Ayers thinks they did not kill enough.

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