Thursday, February 26, 2009

Questions to Ponder About Grace and Salvation
Brother Charley Buntin
Rather than engage in debate over the doctrine of grace, I invite any reader to honestly evaluate the following questions. Some of the questions are multiple choice questions, and others require exposition to properly answer. Please do not decide your answers without study and prayer. I would humbly invite any who object to the doctrine of Grace to mail me.

1. How much of salvation is “your part?”

2. How much of salvation can you claim credit for?

[Note: By all laws of logic or language, the answers for 1 and 2 must be identical]

3. According to the hymn writer (and the Bible) Jesus paid it
a. All
b. Part
c. None

The Arminian Version of Jesus Paid It All

Jesus paid His part, and I paid mine you know,
Sin had left a little stain, WE washed it white as snow.

(From a Mississippi Baptist Preacher)

4. What does Eph 2:1-3 mean?

5. There are three possible meanings of “dead in sins.” Which of these do YOU think applies here?

a. Before God made us alive we were severely wounded
b. Before God made us alive we were somewhat wounded, but still fully able to discern the things of God
c. Before God made us alive we were dead in trespasses and sins and had no spiritual ability whatsoever.

6. Eph 2:1-3 shows that man before salvation is: (pick only one)

a. A fully functioning moral agent, able to understand and make a choice to follow God on his/her own strength and knowledge.

b. A dead sinner by nature

7. What does 1 Cor 2:14 mean?

a. A Lost person is totally unable to discern and receive the things of God

b. A Lost person is able (or partly able) to discern and receive the things of God.

8. What does “born again” mean?

9. Evaluate the statement: we had nothing more to do with causing our second birth than we did with causing our first.

10. What does John 1:12-13 tell us about the new birth?

11. What does James 1:18 tell us about the new birth?

12. What does 1 Pet 1:3-5 tell us about the new birth?

13. What does 1 Pet 1:23 tell us about the new birth?

14. What does John 3:8 tell us about the new birth?

15. Do you pray for lost people to be saved?

16. If you pray for lost people to be saved, what are you asking God to do?

17. List the Bible passages that explicitly mention the term “free will” or “freewill?” What do these passages tell us about salvation?

18. What does the following verse tell us about the human will and salvation?—Jn 5:40

19. What does Romans 9:16 tell us about the human will and salvation?

20. What is the context of 2 Pet 3:1-9?

21. In the book of 2 Peter, what group of people are “us?”

22. Is a lost person ever “we” or “us”?

23. List the verses in the Bible where a lost person is instructed to pray to receive Jesus.

24. List the verses in the Bible where we are instructed to open our heart to Jesus.

25. Where is “the sinner’s prayer” found in the Bible?

26. List the scriptures that teach that a person may be saved and show no evidence of that in their life.

27. Or, list some of the scriptures which indicate that real salvation will always be followed by fruit.

28. Of what does the conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit consist ?

29. On the Damascus Road, did anyone else but Saul receive the calling from God?

30. In Acts 9:13-16 what does “must” mean?

31. List all of the verses that explicitly teach that faith precedes the New Birth?

32. According to Romans 11:5-6, how much can grace and works mix?

33. There are at least seven direct references to foreknowledge in the Bible (listed below)—which of them refers to God looking down through history to figure out what each of us would do with salvation?

Ps 139, Jer 1:4-5, Acts 2:22-23 Acts 15:18 Romans 8:29 Romans 11:2, 1 Pet 1:2, 1 Pet 1:20

34. Is there a word in the Bible for “foresaw?” (answer below)—Is this word ever used to describe God’s prior knowledge of salvation?

35. If God elected us because He knew we would choose Him, what does the following verse mean? (1 John 4:19) "We love Him because He first loved us."

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